Get educated from your accountant
So often business owners see their accountants as a ‘necessary evil’ to tick the compliance box. Your accountant has so much to offer,...
Is Accounting only about saving tax?
Well, it’s that time of the year when you turn to your accountant for the annual check-in. Business owners will make the once a year...
Should you ‘divorce’ your accountant?
When it comes to failed relationships in marriage, it seems people nowadays have no hesitation in heading for the divorce courts. I’ve...
Starting a business – the early years
Starting your own business is the dream that many people aspire to. It sounds great right? You work for yourself, no boss! You can...
EOFY – what will the ATO focus on this year?
End of financial year AGAIN already! How quick do 12 months fly. One could be forgiven for thinking the ATO has nothing better to do but...
Why is there a need to negotiate fees with Accountants?
Price is what you pay and value is what you receive in return. Let’s say you see a book on How to Achieve Financial Wealth in a shop that...
Does DIY Accounting Work?
There is no doubt that with advent of Xero, MYOB and Quickbooks, the process of accounting has been made much simpler. The premise being...
Royal Commission, Banks, Mortgage Brokers & Financial Planners – where to now?
The Royal Commission into the banking industry and subsequently financial planning and mortgage broking sectors has been interesting to...
As a small business owner - when to engage and what to expect from your accountant?
So, you’ve set up your business and it’s now up and running. Hopefully, you’re steadily and surely growing your customer base and you’re...
How Important is Insurance in Business?
There are 2 answers to this question – the long version and the short version. The short version is – absolutely YES you need insurance...