Should you change your accountant?
The client-accountant relationship is said to be one of the most ‘stickiest’ of all relationships.
And by ‘stickiest’, I mean very strong and often very difficult to break.
After all, the accountant is and has been deeply involved in all aspects of you finances (personal or business), and knows the ins and outs of your dealings.
As structures become more complicated, e.g. trusts, company set up, investments and so on, the more difficult it becomes to simply move away from your current accountant.
However, as hard as it may seem to fire your current accountant, the hiring of one is one of the most hastily-made decisions that small business owners make.
Too many times, they choose the accountant that already does the personal taxes for the owner and not one that knows their industry or even fits well within their company.
When you have the right accountant, the owner can focus on running the company and making the most informed decisions based on the information he or she is receiving from their accountant.